A book launch is a big deal, and it’s particularly significant when it’s the next edition of an already great book. For every leader and manager, I encourage you to check out the third edition of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go—Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Still Want by Julie Winkle Giulioni and Beverly Kaye.
As you’ll hear in the video interview I conducted last week with Julie, I am on record indicating that this resource is a must-read/keep/reference for every manager and leader. The book takes the mystery out of career development and offers practical, actionable processes and approaches for managers and team members to engage in productive, meaningful career discussions! (Whether you’re co-located or virtual.)
Beyond the career focus, this is a valuable management book that addresses many of the vexing challenges managers encounter and offers Julie’s (and Bev’s) sage guidance.
I love the book’s Try This/What About You/What If /Discussion Guide elements, along with the many bolded quotes and conversation questions. These combine to make this a fast, enjoyable read. You leave every section with ideas to put to work.
Check out the interview with Julie and most of all, check out this fabulous resource!
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