I love the subtitle of Dr. Rebecca Homkes’ new book: Survive, Reset, Thrive. It reads Leading breakthrough growth strategy in volatile times! Rebecca Homkes lives up to it and more in this fabulous playbook on embracing and leveraging uncertainty and navigating the ever-important Reset process almost every firm must navigate in this era.

As I confess in the opening, this one sat in my ‘to-read’ pile for a few months, and two strategy engagements later, I regret not having leveraged Dr. Homkes’ wisdom. Many books purport to help management teams wrap their brains and arms around strategy; most are long on theory and light on practical guidance. This book is one of the best strategy playbooks for management teams I’ve encountered, backed by Rebecca’s fabulous experiences working with high-growth organizations (and organizations striving for high growth) around the globe.

Enough from me. Check out this fascinating individual and interview. Head to the two-minute mark if you want to bypass my opener and enjoy your time learning about Survive, Reset, Thrive—Leading breakthrough growth strategy in volatile times. 

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