Summer School Gets a Bad Rap

OK, first, let’s take on the summer school label. As a kid growing up in Chicago, I remember thinking that people who had to go to summer school clearly did something bad during the school year. After all, summer was about riding my bicycle, playing ball in the park, generally goofing off, and reading. A lot of reading. (One of my favorite summers was the year I read the World Book Encyclopedia from A to Z. Yep, nerd from way back.)

Who wants to sit in class when the action is outside in the sun?

OK, Maybe This Can Be Fun and Productive!

Fast forward many years, and it turns out that the idea of a summer program for managers is really appealing to me and hugely valuable to you. While here’s hoping you have plenty of time to do whatever you do to unwind, our program offers a low-stress opportunity to sharpen your skills, network with some great people, and do it from wherever your travels take you. It’s designed to fit into your schedule, not disrupt it.

A New Take on Summer School for Managers—5 Great Topics

The Summer School for Motivated Managers program is five 90-minute live sessions via Zoom, all of which are highly interactive and engaging. They are also recorded for later viewing if you happen to be in the middle of a river rafting trip or other great adventure.

Our topics include:

  1. How to strengthen your team’s working environment in pursuit of high(er) performance.
  2. Strengthening as a coach for your team members.
  3. Learning to love tough conversations. (OK, ‘love’ might be a stretch, but like is a good target, because the tough conversations are where the value is created.)
  4. Why you should ditch S.M.A.R.T. goals and adopt S.L.I.M.M. and how to do it and not tick off your HR team.
  5. What Executive Presence is and how to measure and develop yours.

How’s that for a valuable summer program?

As a bonus, you can have me on a free executive coaching call to tailor the ideas to your situation.

We’re live on 6/20, 7/1, 7/18, 8/1, and 8/15 from noon to 1:30 pm central. All sessions are recorded in case this time conflicts with something important, like a hike on the Appalachian Trail! The fee is $197 per seat. You can learn more and register here.

Let’s redefine the meaning of summer school together and help you sharpen your skills and stay fresh for the challenges ahead of you!

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