A Leadership Power-Up is a positive action you take to strengthen your energy, enthusiasm, and resolve for the hard work of guiding and developing others while driving results.

Spend a few quiet moments and think about the individuals who positively influenced you in your life and career.

Isolate on what they did that inspired or motivated you.

It might be the teacher who encouraged you to develop your talent.

Or, a parent or relative who modeled the behaviors necessary to survive a seemingly overwhelming challenge with grit and grace.

Maybe this person is a former manager who made people feel great about themselves and their work.

Focus on what it was they did that impacted you so profoundly. Ideally, write this down in your Leadership Journal (Moleskine notebooks are great for analog; Evernote for digital).

Think about your situation at the moment and ask and answer (and write down) how you can pay their lessons forward starting immediately.

Then go out and do it. Pay forward the lessons of those who inspired you.

If those individuals are still with us, reach out and say “Thanks!”

text signature for Art Petty