Issue #2 of The Leadership Caffeine Newsletter Next Week.
This newly designed publication includes subscriber-only leadership and professional content. The emphasis is on providing ideas to energize development and strengthen performance for you and your teams. Subscribe on my home page at or use the form at the bottom of this post. Your e-mail information privacy is of paramount importance, and I use only double opt-in practices. Last and not least, subscribers gain access to the archived issues for on-going reference. I look forward to serving you in this format.
In Case You Missed It-Art’s Writings Last Week:
Leadership Caffeine-Teach Your Team’s Smarter Decision Processes
This is the latest in my growing series of essays on improving personal and group decision-making processes and results. The post focuses on five key questions to ask your teams before they decide, and offers ideas for improving discussion quality based on those questions. I include links to other relevant posts on strengthening group and individual decision-making as well.
Lessons in Management-Innovation from Main Street
Many of the global giants are rethinking their traditional approaches to managing and leading in these fast-changing and challenging times. If you and your firm are being challenged to carve out a fresh position and build a new competitive advantage, you might just focus on what’s happening a few blocks from your home.
Career Focus: Invest in Your Professional Survival Skills
Too many good professionals have been caught by surprise with a job loss after many years of loyal service. For many of these, the problem is compounded by simply not investing much time in some critical areas to strengthen their professional brands, networks and skills. A great time to start is today!
Another Great Resource-In Case You Missed It:
The February, 2012 Leadership Development Carnival-a great source to check out what some of deep thinkers have to say about leadership!
Art Petty is a Chicago-based management consultant focusing on strategy and leadership development. Art regularly speaks on innovation in management and leadership, and his work is reflected in two books, including the recent, Leadership Caffeine-Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development. Art publishes regularly at The Management Excellence blog at
Prior to his solo career, Art spent 20+ years leading marketing sales and business units in systems and software organizations around the globe. You can follow Art on twitter: @artpetty and he can be reached via e-mail at [email protected]

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