Reading Material to Stimulate IdeasAs I continue expanding my writing and publishing activities in my growing multi-media and multi-medium world with multiple blogs and an e-newsletter as well as frequent writing for other publications, I feel duty bound to highlight some of the content that you won’t catch in this blog alone.

In the next few weeks, I will work with my good friends and web developers at DigiSage to eliminate the need to send out separate posts  on what else I’m covering in different arenas by creating a sidebar where you can scan and click as you so desire.  For the moment however, here’s the update.

In Cased You Missed These At My Building Better Leaders Blog:

The Leader’s Daily Reminder List offers nine suggestions for improving your blocking and tackling as a leader every day.  Great leaders don’t make New Year’s resolutions, they resolve to improve every single day!

Develop the Courage to Lead by Pushing Out of Your Silo offers ideas on enhancing your career and improving your effectiveness by building bridges with other groups and professionals across the organization.  Contrary to the popular myths, the people in other departments are generally neither idiots or out to get you!

The Leader’s Journey from Fear to Self-Confidence tackles a critical topic that almost no one talks about. Great leaders work hard on overcoming their fears.  And yes, we all have them.

The First Edition of the Management Excellence Newsletter Published on January 6 with All New Content For:

-Ideas for Turbocharging Talent Development on a Lean Budget

-Get Started Suggestions for Growing Your Professional Brand This Year

-Must Read Resources-A Book and Blog Review.

If you are not on the Management Excellence Newsletter list and would like to make sure you don’t miss out on the current and future issues, you’ll find the sign-up in the far right column here at Management Excellence.  I’ll send out a copy of the current issue to anyone who signs up this week.  And of course, your e-mail information will never be used for any purpose other than distributing the newsletter!

I was thrilled to be asked to write the cover story for a quarterly business publication distributed to all businesses in my county here in Illinois.  The story, “Rethink, Renew and Recover”offers my take on tackling the tough tasks in front of us and how to succeed and prosper now!  You can read the article by downloading the pdf file of The Catalyst magazine on this linked webpage.

Oh, and shameless plug…notice the Strategy and Execution program highlighted on the cover as well.  That would be me on the docket to conduct one of my favorite and most invigorating programs on how to create value through a dynamic strategy and execution process.  I would love to run this program for your firm.

Happy Reading!