pushingrockI know a great number of people working hard and digging deep to find that extra-something inside that will allow them to push through the almost overwhelming challenges on the path ahead.

I’ve polled a number of good colleagues that are either battling the very foreign experience of being unemployed for the first time in otherwise stellar careers or, those individuals that have given up on ever being employed (at least in the near future) and are striking out on their own.

Both groups admit that sleep is no longer something that they enjoy.  The darkness and late hours are illuminated by the blinding lights of self-doubt, second guessing and just a tinge of fear.  These emotions combine to create a nearly lethal cocktail that induces sleeplessness and feeds the stress monster.

While none of the people that I’ve spoken with in the situations described above are resting easily, to my observation, they share a stubborn commitment to persevering in spite of the fact that the road ahead seems to be unpaved, uphill and against the wind the entire way.

The survival strategies differ from person to person:

  • Relentless hours of work interspersed with bouts of extreme physical activity.  The body and mind seems to respond well to a balance of deep mental and tough physical workouts.  The combination improves the odds of gaining access to the much needed fuel of sleep.
  • Reaching out to other sharp people to compare notes, commiserate just a little bit and share ideas on getting back to success. Much of the passive networking of the past has been replaced by networking with a purpose.
  • Bouts of extreme new learning fed by a hunger for content and context on what it means to forge a new life and career from the vestiges of many years of relative comfort in environments where there was some perception of security.  They now know that the security blanket was not really there.
  • Incredible discipline in pursuit of tasks fed by a hunger borne of the knowledge that if they stop, it might not start again.

The Bottom-Line for Now:

This no longer feels like the recessions that our parents knew.  We’re into grandparent territory here, with a depression like aura surrounding this mess.  Yet in spite of the challenges, I see many people digging deep to reinvent themselves and then pushing forward, uphill, against the wind, bent on success.

If you know someone that is struggling to find this extra performance gear, the right thing to do is reach out and help.  Call, meet, listen and most of all encourage.  In some cases, a bit of tough love might be just the nudge needed to help them get it into that next gear.