Some days others have created such interesting posts, the best thing that I can do is to encourage you to head in their direction.  Today’s posts from some great pros are too good to pass up.  Point your browser towards both of these and enjoy!

  • Kris Dunn at The HR Capitalist offers his review of the new book by Geoff Colvin, Talent is Overrated in…Talent is Overrated Primer-What the ****is Deliberate Practice? I’ve not yet read this book that explores whether talent or “pure focused hard work” is the key to becoming a world class performer in any discipline, but after Kris’s review, it’s on my list.  Check out the review and gain some fascinating perspectives on the concept of “Deliberate Practice.”  Hint: It’s a lot more like hard work than fun.
  • Wally Bock at the Three Star Leadership blog offers his thoughts on the Turnaround at McDonald’s since Jim Cantulpo has taken over. In McDonald’s-A Turnaround Story Wally and the folks at McDonald’s serve up some useful lessons for all of us working to right our ships.  And hey, it’s nice to read about something working out in this economy.

Thanks to both Wally and Kris for the great posts today.