Art of Managing—Steering Clear of Flail and Fail

Businesses of all sizes, shapes and ages run into rough patches. Rapid growth, disruptive competitors or technologies, regulatory changes or the end of the road for well-worn strategies are all potential culprits in the move from success to struggle. It’s critical at this point for a firm’s leaders and managers to react carefully and appropriately in this unfamiliar terrain or they risk moving quickly from flail to fail. They invite flailure. Here are 5 ideas to stem the tide when the flailing starts:

By |2016-10-22T17:11:11-05:00December 18th, 2014|Art of Managing, Leadership, Management Innovation, Strategy|0 Comments

Does Your Dashboard of Performance Measurements Include a Warning Light?

In discussions and lectures with the up and coming generation of leaders, there is widespread cynicism over the intentions and the capabilities of many of their firm’s senior leaders. There is little faith expressed that their leaders understand their firm’s key drivers and little confidence that the leaders are taking actions and measuring performance based on anything other than preconceived notions of what they think is right. Fewer organizations than you might think are doing anything to engender employee satisfaction…which is ironic given the mountains of data that indicate that employee satisfaction flows through to customer satisfaction and strong financial performance. This current generation of senior leaders is failing, and the very imbalanced scorecard is visible all around us

By |2008-11-09T14:17:08-06:00November 7th, 2008|Leadership, Leading Change|0 Comments
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