What Videogame Designers Can Teach Us About Organizational Change

The ability to rewire our thinking about change may be a fundamental survival skill in a period of time where accelerating change is a given. Change must be interpreted as challenge, and building a culture that embraces the pursuit of a steady stream of new challenges must be the mandate of leaders. I think the video game designers have already cracked this code.

Leadership Caffeine™—6 Ideas to Help You Prosper During Periods of Change

Contrary to how many people view and respond to change in the workplace, it’s been my experience that periods of organizational adjustment typically represent big fat beach balls of opportunity for those willing to pitch in and help. Here are 6 ideas to help you adjust to and prosper during periods of organizational change:

By |2021-08-17T18:18:26-05:00September 30th, 2012|Career, Leadership, Leadership Caffeine|0 Comments
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