Leadership CaffeineParticipate in or monitor enough management team conversations and you will invariably conclude that it’s darned hard for these teams to spend quality time discussing external issues.

The gravitational pull of internal “stuff” is overwhelming and resists all attempts to move the conversation to topics outside of the firm’s four walls, preferring instead to keep managers focused on the nuances of their own operations.  The result is a self-fulfilling management myopia where the view on the world is grossly limited to the immediate surroundings…and ranges as far as the eyes can see outside conference room windows.

Myopic firms miss market moves and focus incorrectly on improving yesterday’s systems and products and services while customers are looking and moving forward in search of new solutions to emerging vexing problems.

Overcoming this myopia requires extraordinary effort on the part of key leaders to train and enable their teams to move outside of the four walls and to build a more comprehensive market view that is constantly in the process of being refreshed.

5 Simple Suggestions for Minimizing Management Myopia:

1.  Start by scheduling regular forums where the only items discussed are external in nature. Create a series of core questions that challenge team members to show up prepared to talk about what’s going on with customers, competitors and other industry ecosystem players.  Resist the urge in these forums to move towards actions and internal items with one exception.

2. The one exception to the “no internal discussion rule,” is to teach your team members to end their discussions of external forces/factors/changes with “What this means for our firm is… .” Capture these notes.

3.  Charge team members with the task of monitoring specific competitors and industry participants and providing regular updates to the group as well as instantaneous updates as conditions change.  Remember, that the insights must always be accompanied by, “What this means for our firm is…” statements.   Rotate assignments periodically to keep people fresh.

4.  Interview customers. Regularly.  It’s interesting to sit around and speculate on what customers are doing or thinking, but it’s much more compelling and actionable to truly understand what’s on their minds.  Again, create a simple customer survey script and charge your key managers and contributors with keeping tabs on specific customers.  I’ve done this with development resources, product managers and of course executive managers, and it gets people on your team connected to someone in the market.  Bring the findings into your “external forums” and share.

5.  If your team is internally focused such as IT or an internal support group, make certain to forge relationships with external facing colleagues and departments.  Invite members of these groups to join your meetings and to share updates on current market issues.  Pay attention for opportunities to better tune your function’s activities and priorities to issues and opportunities that your external facing colleagues see in the market.

The Bottom-Line for Now:

Inevitably the best outcome of good external awareness is the reflection of insights in program, product and service improvements that create value for customers and profitable growth for your firm.  You will need to develop a good mechanism for translating external awareness into internal execution, however, that’s a post for another day.

For now, set a goal to increase your team’s external IQ and try the suggestions here on for size.  And be certain to double-back and share with us your own suggestions.  After all, your input is part of my program to stay externally aware!