Leaders, Principles and the Pursuit of High Performance Teams

Every high performance team I’ve experienced as a participant, a sponsor or an outside advisor, was governed by an overarching set of principles or values that formed and framed the culture. And while good words alone don’t create success, the combination of the leaders and participants living and acting according to those words everyday made things work.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:31-05:00March 28th, 2012|Leadership, Project Management, Strategy|2 Comments

Strategy-Towards Hypotheses, Experiments, Involvement & Learning

Few would argue that a nimble, quick-to-learn and quick-to-adapt organization is a bad thing. Given the rate of change in our world, those characteristics are increasingly table-stakes for survival and success. Why then has the approach to strategy and the notion of “strategic planning” in so many organizations remained mired in a 1960’s kind of static, top-down event-focused model? Here are six ideas to transform your organization's approach to and effectiveness with strategy.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:32-05:00January 25th, 2012|Leadership, Leading Change, Project Management, Strategy|6 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™: Supporting the Rise of the Informal Leader

Want to know where to find your best and brightest emerging leaders? Here’s a hint, you’ll have to use your peripheral vision to see them, because they are moving sideways at a high rate of speed. Here are 7 ideas for cultivating Informal Leaders in your organization.

Management Excellence Toolkit-Part 4: Improve Your Estimating and Forecasting Effectiveness

Your decisions define you as a leader and a manager, yet we spend very little time in our busy lives finding ways to improve our abilities in this area. This Management Excellence Toolkit Series will help you recognize the challenges and pitfalls of individual and group decision-making and offer ideas on improving performance for you and your co-workers. In this segment, I focus on the issues surrounding forecasting and estimating errors, and I offer a number of ideas to improve performance for these important activities.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:41-05:00March 16th, 2011|Decision-Making, Leadership, Project Management|0 Comments

Art to Help Kick-Off Project Leadership Forum at Harrisburg University

As a long-time, self-described zealot for the importance of project managers developing as leaders, imagine how excited I was to learn about a conference devoted to just this topic! I’ve written at length in this blog (Learning to Lead in the Project Focused World and others) and even offered up my e-book, Leadership and the Project Manager, in support of this concept. I’m even more excited to be a part of the conference as a guest keynote as Project Leadership Forum kicks-off on Thursday in Harrisburg, PA.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:53-05:00May 11th, 2010|Leadership, Project Management|2 Comments

Leadership Caffeine™-Learning to Lead in the Project-Focused World

The rise of “the project” as an important means of competing and creating value has profound implications for those in leadership roles. Unfortunately, in many cases, the evolution in leadership practices has not kept pace with the needs of project teams or the needs of organizations struggling to develop competence at executing on projects.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:55-05:00February 28th, 2010|Career, Leadership, Project Management|13 Comments

Leading in the Trenches-Recovering from Trickle Down Project Management Chaos

Project inflation…the spread of too many projects and the heaping of them upon the tormented and torn few is a formula for disaster. Unfortunately, work force reductions and pressures to reduce costs, improve processes and to innovate all fuel project inflation. Consider adopting a rigorous approach to project selection by asking and answering these following questions:

Jump-Start Strategy By Jumping Straight to the Middle of the Process

Get your team talking about the right topics and get them focused on assessing and comparing based on the criteria that are the most important to your success. Skip the summer strategy offsite and start the dialogue on determining what’s truly important, and you’ll find yourself and your organization moving and working the right things faster than you might imagine.

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