From Strategy-Starved to Strategy-Fueled: It’s All About Communication

It's critical for leaders to recognize that organizations that broadly understand their strategy and employees that specifically understand how their activities and decisions impact strategy execution are going to defeat less-enlightened competitors. Strategy is not an abstract concept reserved for the deep-thought thinking sessions of senior leaders. Strategy is a powerful leadership tool to engage the hearts and minds of associates and to fuel performance.

It’s Time to Recognize the Project Manager as a Leader

The most challenging leadership positions are the informal roles where an individual leads based on his or her credibility and capability without the backing of a formal reporting structure. These positions are often characterized by a high-level or responsibility for results with little direct authority over the people doing the work. The role of Project Manager matches this description perfectly, with organizations increasingly looking to the individuals charged with project or program management to play key roles in executing on strategic priorities. Unfortunately, in many organizations, the role of Project Manager is inappropriately disconnected from the strategy process and is often viewed and treated by executives as a mid-level or administrative role. This is wrong. Senior executives would be wise to tap into the unique skills, insights and capabilities of the best Project Managers as they look to build out their leadership teams and to propel their organizations faster.

Stress at Work, Great Leadership Practices and Ignoring Bad Advice

Every once in awhile, a number of articles or blog posts converge nicely to build on each other. Today over at Wally Bock's Three Star Leadership Blog in his post entitled Sunday Afternoons, Wally offers his perspective on an article describing that many people report feeling a high degree of anxiety about work as Monday looms in the foreground. Wally's guidance for the leader's role in helping eradicate the causes of this unproductive stress is priceless and timeless (go ahead and click over and read it) and it puts the exclamation point on the leadership themes found in several other recent articles and posts.

Grace Under Pressure: A Great Leadership Opportunity

As a leader, you are on display every day and in every exchange and how you conduct yourself is observed very closely by all around you. Lose your cool, snap at a subordinate, act like the spoiled tennis player above, and you not only fail to build your professional credibility, you damage it. Alternatively, if you recognize that the moment in time when things are heading the wrong way is a remarkable opportunity to build credibility and create powerful learning opportunities for your team members, you will conduct yourself with grace under fire.

Do You Know Why Your Talent Is Walking Out The Door?

Bob is leaving behind the business that he helped start and grow and save and grow and sell and sell again, and no one in BIGCO cares. Frankly, no one in the upper ranks even knows that he exists. The dirty little secret: he's just another faceless number on a spreadsheet and his departure will improve the expense to revenue ratio, and solve an annoying compensation problem in this now remote outpost of BIGCO. Bob is in the prime of his career, an expert and one of the last shreds of the soul of a great business. Bob is relieved to be moving on, but to BIGCO, it's not even noticeable. Good for Bob. There's more.

Would You Work for This Character?

"The only way that you will succeed on my team is if you are married to the job!" "The reason that I am not in any family vacation pictures is because I'm on the phone. If I'm in the picture, I have a blackberry stuck to my ear." Yeesh. What a jerk! The quotes speak volumes about this individual's leadership style, priorities and character. A "my way or the highway" approach, coupled with an "I will succeed on the backs of your labor and you will help me succeed or else," philosophy. It also speaks volumes about the culture in the organization that tolerates this leader's style.

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