Leadership Caffeine™-The Cure for Tired Leader Syndrome (TLS)

If you experience one or more of these symptoms and especially the last one, you might be suffering from Tired Leader Syndrome or TLS. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This debilitating condition affects a high percentage of leaders that have been in the same role for too long. Left untreated, TLS is often fatal to your career as well as the careers of those in constant contact with you.

Leadership Caffeine™-The Times Choose the Leaders. Is it your time?

If you’ve been around the block for a few decades as a leader, your current To-Do list doesn’t feel as good as the one you had for most of the 90’s and the middle of this decade. However, the benefit of your experience is that you know that we’ll find our way through this fog of uncertainty and fear and doubt. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know the absolute path.

Leadership Caffeine™-Does Your Do Match Your Tell?

Fresh on the heels of my remarkably fun and productive collaboration with Mary Jo Asmus of Intentional Leadership on “The Words of a Leader,” I feel duty bound to remind you that while words are indeed powerful tools for creation or destruction, it’s your actions that will seal your fate as a leader. Or rather, how well your actions and your words match.

Leadership Caffeine™-Respectfully Speaking, Your Respect for Others Will Serve You Well

The formula is simple and the outcome is predictable. Treat people with respect and they will generally return the courtesy many times over. The word “respect” just might work as the lone word in the world’s shortest chapter in the world’s shortest and most effective book on leadership. Master the term, practice it liberally and you’ve uncovered one of the simple secrets to leading effectively.

Leadership Caffeine™: Take Your Best Practices Viral with Leadership Development Blocking and Tackling

When it comes to leadership development, sweeping corporate mandates and expensive training initiatives are rarely as effective as consistent blocking and tackling. Here are some action-focused ideas to help catalyze a leadership development revolution in your firm.

Leadership Caffeine™: Respect and the Leader-Would Your Team Save Your Leadership Hide?

Imagine a corporate world where those being led had a strong vote on whether their leaders lived to lead or were shown the door. This happened recently at the newly combined Fiat-Chrysler, and the question that was asked of low and mid level staffers was: “What do you think of your boss?”

Leadership Caffeine™: Resistance and the Leader

Resistance shows up in many forms in our daily lives. It’s what keeps us from eating properly, working out regularly, taking that leap into a new job that we’ve been dreaming about for years, and pushes off to some unknown point in the future, the writing of the book that nearly everyone says that they have in them. If none of those examples fit, think of something in your life that you know you should do, but haven’t found the time or had the discipline to do it. That’s resistance. Resistance shows up in leadership settings and in the workplace in many forms:

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