Your “Weekend Reading List” from Management Excellence

Beginning with this post, I intend to make "Your Weekend Reading List" a regular Friday feature. Most professionals that I know are too busy to carve out quality reading time during the week, and many have confided that they wish they would be more diligent about reading on the weekend. While I won't be there to help you pick up the book or click on the link, I can at least try and remove the "I'm not sure what to read" excuse from your arsenal.

By |2016-10-22T17:12:18-05:00December 5th, 2008|Leadership|2 Comments

The Counterintuitive Nature of Management Excellence

It takes no management skill whatsoever to spend a fortune building up clicks and it definitely takes no skill to slash budgets, cut headcount, freeze programs and hunker down and wait out the storm. It does take remarkable management courage and skill to run against the crowd and conventional wisdom by investing in strategic initiatives and talent during tough times and resisting the temptation to chase mythical fortunes during boom times.

Does Your Dashboard of Performance Measurements Include a Warning Light?

In discussions and lectures with the up and coming generation of leaders, there is widespread cynicism over the intentions and the capabilities of many of their firm’s senior leaders. There is little faith expressed that their leaders understand their firm’s key drivers and little confidence that the leaders are taking actions and measuring performance based on anything other than preconceived notions of what they think is right. Fewer organizations than you might think are doing anything to engender employee satisfaction…which is ironic given the mountains of data that indicate that employee satisfaction flows through to customer satisfaction and strong financial performance. This current generation of senior leaders is failing, and the very imbalanced scorecard is visible all around us

By |2008-11-09T14:17:08-06:00November 7th, 2008|Leadership, Leading Change|0 Comments

Constancy of Purpose In Pursuit of Success

Organizations and individuals march forward when they have a clear goal and sight and are driven by some deep collective conviction that when successful, the world will be a better place, that they will be better professionals and that their positions and as a result, their families will be secure. The earlier that a leader understands that creating “constancy of purpose” is a core task, the faster they are on their way to truly fulfilling their obligation and responsibility as a leader.

By |2016-10-22T17:12:21-05:00July 31st, 2008|Leadership, Leading Change, Strategy|2 Comments
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