Leadership Caffeine™—Your Job is to Clear the Path

The best gift you can provide to your team members is the gift of time. If you’ve got the right team members (with the right values), they’ll respond to your willingness to clear the path with enthusiasm, creativity and commitment. Here are 5 diagnostic questions to help remind you of your need to clear the path ahead for your team members:

Leadership Caffeine™—What to Do When the Mistakes Don’t Go Away

Mistakes in the workplace are inevitable. After all, we’re human, and try as we might to operate error free, our own software is far from perfect and we occasionally let one slip through the filters. In some circumstances, mistakes are a healthy part of the learning process. In others, they're a sign that is something wrong on the personal front and you need to step in and offer help. And in other circumstances, they're a sign that you're not doing your job as a manager to maintain appropriate quality and accountability standards.

Just One Thing—Prosper by Making Time Every Day to Just Think

If your typical day resembles the one that most of us experience in the corporate environment, it’s a series of meetings interspersed with a series of transactional exchanges that might be better described as interruptions. There’s little of that elusive and precious asset called “quality time” on our calendars or in our days...and in reality, much of our daily lives are filled with what has been been described as “unproductive busyness. Here's a reminder to create the downtime our brains and bodies need to recharge and place things in proper context.

Just One Thing—Is it Time to Suspend Your Judgment in Hiring?

There’s an interesting article in the May, 2014 issue of Harvard Business Review, entitled, “In Hiring, Algorithms Beat Instinct." According to the authors, we would be better served by letting algorithms do the heavy lifting before inserting our own bias-filled and easily distracted selves into the hiring equation. Provocative, yes, but I'm not convinced that it's time to defer judgment to a test instrument. Here's why...

Art of Managing—Sometimes You Have to Slow Down to Go Faster

Today’s management literature is filled with references to speed. If we’re following the trends, we’re all growing more “agile” and likely “lean” in the process. We’re working in “sprints” and “bursts,” and of course, we’re “teaming” whenever possible. All of this motion may be helping our waistlines, dancing moves and cardio health, but I’m not convinced that speed is always the right answer. Sometimes you just have to slow down to go faster. Here are 4 key situations where pausing before acting makes good business sense:

Just One Thing—Cultivate Your Project Leadership Skills

Understanding the discipline and tools of project management is now de rigueur for professionals with any intention of growing in their careers. However, when I take a close look at project teams that struggle (and too many do), it’s generally not the misapplication of project management tools or practices that are at the source of the problems. Most often, it’s the absence any visible form of project leadership.

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