Emerging Leader Live Programs

Art Petty’s workshop and speaking programs are designed to help executives and organizations support the development of emerging leaders.

These practical, powerful talks, workshops, and extended programs focus on the following critical behaviors and skills:

  • Strategic and critical thinking
  • Team development and leadership
  • Building organizational talent
  • Decision-making
  • Driving execution
  • Leading innovation and change
  • Developing oneself.

Blending his experience as a successful senior technology and software executive and his work as a coach and educator, Art’s leadership programs get people involved in thinking about, participating in and acting on the issues essential for emerging leader success.

Emerging Leader Keynotes:

From his core Level-Up keynote, drawing on the latest findings in neuro-leadership and behavioral psychology tied to the world of video gaming, to his Level-Up program (Level Up Self/Leadership/Team) the keynotes and programs are fun, interactive and dynamic learning and developmental experiences.

Longer Format Workshops and Programs:

Longer format workshops and sustained programs are where real development takes place. Art works with senior management and key stakeholders to define objectives and metrics and then develops and delivers programs that blend classroom and experiential activities. In many instances, Art provides personalized coaching to program participants over the course of six to twelve months.

The Bottom-Line:

Art’s programs are focused on supporting today’s senior leaders for the development of their emerging leaders. While many leadership consultants and gurus deliver content, Art draws upon his executive leadership experience guiding and growing firms and teams around the globe to create powerful development experiences for your emerging leaders.

Emerging Leaders Topics

Available in workshop and keynote formats, this highly reviewed program challenges emerging and experienced leaders to rethink their approaches to developing and leading teams and individuals in an era of change. Instead of a complicated framework, Art offers a series of simple (but not simplistic) questions that challenge participants to look at their role as team leaders, individual leaders and professionals ultimately responsible for their own development. Highly interactive in every format, with cases, examples and audience involvement.

Leaders everywhere are struggling to navigate a complex, changing environment with an increasingly diverse workforce. The challenge and the opportunity is to find a way to generate Myoshu—something brilliant and unexpected that propels your firm and team to new levels. This workshop challenges participants to rethink their approach(es) to leading and to navigating strategy. Keynote and workshop formats.

In this speech or workshop program, Art explores and explains the seven essential Level-Up Survival Skills that both employees and their organizations need to wield in the marketplace in order to stay ahead of the competition.  Audiences will learn practical tips through examples, cases, and scenarios they work through in order to speed up and focus organizational development and change.

What Participants Have to Say

“This was a great day to start my day and give me some thoughts on how to engage myself and my career this year.”
Higher Education Keynote Attendee
“An excellent keynote providing a good balance between theoretical and the practical complemented with relevant case studies and compelling personal experiences! I enjoyed this immensely and have been further challenged to “level-up” in this era of change, ambiguity and conflict.”
Citigroup program participant
“Session with Art Petty was great, very informative, reassuring, positive and energizing.”
Citigroup program participant.
“This was wonderful, I gained many tools and ideas to strengthen as a manager.”
Technical Association Management Workshop Participant
“Amazing! Thank you for your inspiration and guidance!”
Project Leadership Conference Participant
“Great speaker!”
Higher Education Association Conference Participant
“Art’s knowledge of management and leadership is endless and there’s no denying his passion.”
Leadership Program Participant
“Art helped me change my thinking about my priorities as a leader.”
Leadership Program Participant
“Exceptional energy! Great, actionable case studies for developing as a leader.”
Leadership Program Participant.