
Leadership Caffeine™

Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development & Performance

Receive the Leadership Caffeine™ e-news, personal
invitations to our Jam Sessions (free development),
upcoming workshops, and the latest from the blog.

Leadership Caffeine™

Ideas to Energize Your Professional Development & Performance

Receive the Leadership Caffeine™ e-news, personal
invitations to our Jam Sessions (free development),
upcoming workshops, and the latest from the blog.

Upcoming Professional Development Programs

The Senior Manager Program

Cohort + Coaching + Expert/Guest Expert Instruction delivered over 5 months & focused on the core level-up issues for senior managers.

New(er) Manager Development Program

For new(er) managers striving to start strong .Cohort + Coaching  + Expert/Guest Expert instruction delivered over 4 months.

Performance Feedback Skills Boot Camp

feedback skills Boot camp

A 2x per year program to help you strengthen your skills with challenging performance discussions. 

  Career Reinvent Cohort+Coaching

A 3-month guided program to support your career shift. Blends cohort + coaching to help you design the right “next” for you.

We Help Professionals Level-up

Coaching & Training

Is it time to level up in your career? We help emerging leaders at all levels strengthen their skills and grow their contributions via coaching, workshop programs, and e-learning courses.

Career Pivot

For individuals focused on applying their accumulated wisdom and skills in new ways (reinventors) Art Petty’s REINVENT™ framework and coaching guide you to success.

Ideas for Growth

Almost 2,000 articles at the Management Excellence blog filled with ideas to help you grow as a professional and leader.

From the Blog

How the upcoming Leadership Caffeine Jam Session can help you amplify your impact

Our 3/28 noon central Leadership Caffeine Jam Session (Register Here) features Joel Garfinkle, a leading executive coach and one of the world's experts on executive presence. If you work in an organization and are interested in solving problems, improving processes, exploring and gaining support for innovations, key changes, and strategies, you must cultivate and strengthen how others experience you.

Four Ideas to Improve Workplace Communication

In approximately 800 hours of executive and manager coaching each year, the one issue that arises in almost every call is a communication challenge. Here are four sets of ideas you can implement yourself or with your team to strengthen communication effectiveness.

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