January Development Opportunities for New(er) and Experienced Managers

Something I always did as a corporate executive was to make sure as many of my team members as possible were set up for professional development early in the new year. I love helping my team members launch into the new year with their brains boiling with ideas, fresh approaches, and energy for the challenges ahead! Now that I'm the one doing the training and coaching, I'm excited to offer the same opportunity to you and your team members.

Leadership Caffeine™—”This Is the Way It Should Be”

Teaming and collaboration experiences happen in all walks of our professional and personal lives. Some experiences working with others are draining, others passable, and just a few are energizing and even fun and successful. You can hope these fun, productive experiences emerge by chance. Or you can be deliberate about creating the conditions that improve the possibility of a great collaboration experience. I opt for improving our odds of bringing one of these productive, fun experiences to life. Here are four ideas to help:

Why You Should Maintain a Professional Journal—Twenty Prompts to Help You Get Started

Journaling is one of the most powerful continuous improvement tools we can use in our working lives, yet many are unsure of how to get started. Here's some guidance and twenty journaling prompts to help:

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