0:01:08 look and sound great 0:02:08 Appreciate the email reminder that the session is beginning soon! 0:03:19 does that many hours of piano playing make you a "key note" speaker? 0:05:04 Louisiana 0:05:28 It is around 95 today 0:05:31 OHIO! 0:05:42 Glad to be here Art. Hello Everyone from North Canton, OH! 0:06:13 Attending on the shore of Lake Coure d'Alene in northern Idaho - currently a cozy 75 0:07:57 Nailed it lol 0:08:35 If that was your most stress, I want your job. LOL 0:10:32 Thanks! :) 0:10:50 Hi Art!! Good to see you, too! 0:13:28 What's your 10,000 hours activity? 0:14:11 10,000 of dedicated practice. 0:14:52 Building amazing teams 0:15:59 Reflection, open to feedback, experimenting with small changes 0:18:00 How do you react if your boss suggests you will benefit by engaging a coach? 0:18:15 I would be glad for the opportunity 0:18:17 benefit 0:18:22 I would be so excited! I love to learn 0:18:28 Depends on the tone of the presentation and the relationship with your boss 0:18:29 In our org, a coach suggestion is corrective focused. 0:18:31 Benefit 0:18:35 In some cases, the exec. should be worried. 0:18:36 It is a great Benefit! 0:18:37 It used to be a penalty in prior companies... now it would be perceived as a benefit. 0:19:21 I would be happy that they actually noticed, I asked for a coach. 0:19:47 I love to try 0:20:52 We had a question come in from Mayank Joshi: What if you struggle with motivation and can't even manage a few hours let alone 10,000 but know that mastery of what you want to learn would be hugely beneficial? 0:22:10 What's the best way to show your coachability? 0:22:49 How would you ask for a coach in an organization that views coaching as a penalty? 0:24:12 like the first time on the high dive right 0:25:41 What's holding you back? 0:26:13 Looking up at the mountain and realising how long I have to trek to reach the peak. 0:26:41 Conor, your main ally or impediment will be your boss and your boss’s boss. 0:27:00 Mine is not having any available opportunities within my current organization. Promotions are very slow here. :( 0:28:13 https://www.amazon.com/Exceptional-Personal-Highlight-Unlock-Potential/dp/1452184259 0:28:15 Same here Bo. 0:28:58 👍 0:29:43 https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/self-esteem/art-20045374 0:31:18 What is the biggest blindspot for emerging leaders? 0:31:22 How well they are actually doing 0:31:30 Taking that's leap of faith to give it a try 0:31:35 Not spending time observing/asking questions before making changes 0:31:54 Not getting feedback 0:32:02 Having vision 0:32:16 what authority their position affords 0:32:39 with great power comes great responsibility! 0:33:11 https://www.amazon.com/Acting-Power-More-Powerful-Believe-ebook/dp/B07TZXKTGQ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1689355307&sr=8-1 0:33:26 https://www.amazon.com/Good-Power-Leading-Positive-Change/dp/1647823226/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MZA9D5D3449&keywords=good+power&qid=1689355350&sprefix=good+powe%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-1 0:33:42 https://www.amazon.com/Power-Some-People-Have-Others/dp/B08DF8PPDX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QW206GTSNIOE&keywords=power+jeffrey+pfeffer&qid=1689355369&sprefix=power+jeffer%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-1 0:34:58 If you want to accelerate your career and impact your team and organization at scale, you don't get to opt out of the need to cultivate power. Thoughts? 0:35:02 Power = empowering others 0:37:59 https://artpetty.com/jam-session-archive/ 0:39:56 What if your boss is terrible? Both in personality and performance. 0:40:16 FWIW, I took his place when he left. 0:40:57 Fair 0:41:00 I agree with Andrew grueber - power is multiplied if you give it away 0:42:21 What's your next level up opportunity? 0:42:34 And how are you preparing for it? 0:43:11 https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiUyfih3Y6AAxWvFa0GHWIQBbwYABANGgJwdg&ase=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESa-D2XPDeN63L7ZUwl7RLI64kHWnt6vM1xZZt4nYkN9ize70g_I-zvYxNLw4XNj1v3bEjA-4UaFQIUo0c8PCrbMfUxaqlxFN-8qSlSENLpYpjMOuk8AkfqHinmzOe_QyTC2lZCvY1qebaVbg3&sig=AOD64_1ijazT0X0wXDFKKvtjpVYoGPFAeg&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwj-v_Gh3Y6AAxX8ADQIHWXNABMQ9aACKAB6BAgCEA4&adurl= 0:43:12 I'm growing a dev team in India, where we need a new manager over there and I'll hopefully end up being his manager/mentor. 0:43:26 https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiHsKqs3Y6AAxXXAK0GHcirC9UYABABGgJwdg&ase=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESa-D2Y-XdOQ5q3Hlwsn-9TURrLpqJ9-oU6bNqoCvlA8m5em4gez8lw0-BwuIs__oXZMNAKPUHFlTj36wAIinH9aJr84Wyaue3lefqEK5oQqtc-3djJMLYEN6L9u2Nm1Qz5aW8hAELHFryGour&sig=AOD64_3DtRJ7yv6fIDdHZJLJuONfBChiIQ&q&nis=4&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjgr6Ks3Y6AAxXJLTQIHY1OCNYQ0Qx6BAgGEAE 0:43:44 https://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Around-Corners-Inflection-Business-ebook/dp/B07LC98K6Z 0:44:09 https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Challenge-Extraordinary-Things-Organizations/dp/1119278961/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=598613742402&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1024025&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13356902533605603486&hvtargid=kwd-2160274929&hydadcr=22569_13531285&keywords=the+leadership+challenge+book&qid=1689355990&sr=8-1 0:44:50 Fostering growth with existing and potential clients. By elevating the experience of those around me. 0:48:42 art@artpetty.com 0:49:58 https://artpetty.mykajabi.com/leadership-caffeine-jam-session-1-replay 0:51:17 Netflix 0:51:18 Netflix 0:51:18 netflix 0:52:09 Air is a great reference to this with the History of Nike and Converse 0:52:14 Could it have been confirmation bias? 0:54:54 How do you strengthen empathy? 0:55:17 https://hbr.org/2020/04/empathy-starts-with-curiosity 0:55:29 Ask new and different questions, then confirm you've heard what they intended 0:55:51 actively engage with people 0:55:59 Talk to strangers! 0:58:09 I like the reframing of mirroring as providing a state you want the other person to get to 0:58:33 https://www.amazon.com/Exactly-What-Say-Influence-Impact/dp/1989025005/ref=asc_df_1989025005/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312045580796&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9710372314435852469&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1024025&hvtargid=pla-455421430940&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=60223809337&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312045580796&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9710372314435852469&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1024025&hvtargid=pla-455421430940 0:59:19 https://www.amazon.com/Just-Listen-Discover-Getting-Absolutely/dp/B083JKZ4X5/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Y502NHE0PRB0&keywords=just+listen&qid=1689356877&s=books&sprefix=just+listen%2Cstripbooks%2C116&sr=1-1 1:00:49 art@artpetty.com 1:04:05 Thanks Art. Lots of great ideas and insights. I like your comment--unclog your brain and develop your highlight reel. 1:04:12 https://artpetty.mykajabi.com/leadership-caffeine-jam-session-22 1:04:18 This is wonderful! Thank you so much for this session. 1:04:29 Awesome! Thank you 1:04:41 Thank you! 1:04:49 thank you! 1:05:01 Thank you 1:05:01 Great presentation! Thank you!!! 1:05:03 Excellent session, much appreciated! 1:05:03 thank you very much 1:05:03 Thanks! 1:05:06 You’re the best, Art 1:05:13 Thanks Art!! 1:05:17 Thanks Art! 1:05:27 Thanks Art. Have a good weekend!