0:01:22 Hi there! 0:03:06 Doing great! 0:03:40 Happy to be here. We finished reviewing our scholarship award decision last night. 0:04:41 I assumed Chicago style would include tackling. 0:05:24 Deep dish pizza after!!! 0:05:57 Detroit has feather bowling... 0:06:04 fun on a smaller scale 0:06:15 tiny ball, smaller lane 0:06:28 right? 0:07:13 Hello. Just got a new laptop so trying to get settings right for each meeting platform. :) 0:08:11 Doing well Art; being retired doesn't mean not busy. 0:08:46 it's a good time! 0:09:08 I moved away 20+ years ago, but still have fond memories 0:09:27 Grand Haven, MI is boring in comparison 0:09:39 absolutely! 0:10:05 Thank you :) It's mutual! 0:10:20 Thanks! 0:12:35 Hello everyone! 0:13:24 art@artpetty.com 0:20:07 For more information about 6 hour Career Energize: https://artpetty.samcart.com/products/six-hour-career-change/ 0:20:40 What tool do you recommend to determine your strengths? 0:22:10 How well do you know what others view as your strengths? 0:22:37 Have a decent idea. In my leadership class I had to interview people and ask my strengths and weaknesses 0:22:38 360 degree feedback from colleagues, bosses, and employees helps. 0:22:54 I know what people have told me. :) 0:23:08 What are the best ways to gain meaningful, quality context on your strengths? 0:23:50 Strengths Finders by Gallup 0:24:02 Performance reviews 0:24:13 Quizzes, trusted friends and surveys 0:24:31 playing games 0:24:33 1:1 meetings and being willing/able to ask the pertinent, open-ended questions. 0:24:41 I’m learning. We get 360 feedback and as part of the reenergizing career workshop I got additional information. I look for what people share and consider whether the outliers make sense. Some consistency about responses suggest they may be of good quality. 0:24:52 I also assess where people come to me for help outside my scope of expertisw 0:24:56 Ask others, especially away from the office. 0:25:00 Need a trusted friend that shares what's said about you when you're not in the room... 0:29:03 Is the feedback you gain in the normal course of your work clear, meaningful, and actionable enough to use in designing your career steps? 0:29:12 Have you found a reasonable way to concentrate the "watered down" feedback? 0:29:41 It works when you develop a good relationship, and more so in informal settings. 0:29:46 good enough feedback? absolutely not 0:29:53 Yes but it took a lot of work to get there. 0:29:55 still working on that 0:31:21 Mistakes and failures! 0:31:21 What is your ideal learning situation? 0:31:26 I usually see some actionable feedback from our 360 process, but I would say that the changes needed are on the small scope side rather than things that would provide significant growth. 0:32:05 Best learning - talk about it, research it, take action and often through failure 0:32:09 experiential 0:32:14 writing and talking through with peers 0:32:16 Doer 0:32:18 I learn through active experimentation 0:32:18 set targets and measure performance 0:32:27 I also find there's a "when" component for learning. I love videos... and blogs. 0:32:30 prepare as if to teach it 0:32:43 It’s a combination. Reading isn’t enough, I need to solve the problem. So it needs doing. 0:32:48 That’s awesome Julia…I love that idea 0:32:51 Videos have also been very helpful 0:33:17 Being around people who also want to learn the same thing 0:33:26 Brainstorming 0:33:42 mainly learn by doing 0:34:26 What are you at your best? 0:35:19 There is a big difference between a decision maker and a problem solver. Too many problem solvers fail in situations where decisions are needed. 0:35:57 I definitely gain speed in a group but need independent work to fine tune 0:36:37 get bored quickly so do short projects 0:36:57 YES!! I would love that 0:37:01 I thrive in a team dynamic as an advisor 0:37:17 👍 0:37:47 close Anna 😊 0:37:48 Yes - it made my morale and performance take a nose dive 0:37:54 Have you ever experienced a situation where you values were in conflict with your role/organization? 0:38:08 I was actually removed from a position as I would not violate my values with a sales situation. 0:38:50 yep. 0:38:57 What's an exercise we can use to identify our personal values? 0:39:28 Ask what you expect of others and then ask if you expect it of yourself. 0:39:36 personality test 0:39:45 what gives you satisfaction, for me adding value for the customer 0:39:46 Start with Why has a good model... 0:39:51 I ask myself what am I unwilling to negotiate. For example one of my values is integrity 0:39:54 FWIW, Cosmo tests are not helpful. 0:39:55 Probably need to start at defining what values we're talking about 0:39:56 How would I tell a family member about this scenario? What would my Mom think of it? 0:40:04 I have a deck of cards with values. I look at them and use them to guide me. I find some more important than others. there are 102 cards in the deck. 0:41:10 I’ll see if I can find a link. They are called virtue cards 0:41:10 Marc I need to find those…that sounds awesome 0:41:14 I am also interested in the source for that deck of cards 0:42:12 Am I in a place doing work I care about for people I value, leveraging my superpowers? 0:42:29 for people I value is so important 0:42:33 I found this: 0:42:36 Wow that’s a powerful question 0:43:35 https://virtuesshop.com/product/virtues-reflection-cards/ 0:45:23 What are criteria critical to you at this stage of your life? 0:46:03 Thanks Marc! 0:46:54 Does it make the world a better place? 0:47:12 Can I make a significant impact? 0:49:11 https://artpetty.com/jam-session-archive/ 0:49:27 do it all yourself.... then train others to do what you've done 0:50:55 How can we do more of this(thinking differently)? 0:51:03 A friend or family member may have the evidence - sometimes we can't see it ourselves, too close to it. 0:51:17 For faster reading, I use: https://www.squirt.io/ 0:52:02 I make friends who have very different thought processes than me. So we can challenge each other 0:52:06 Give yourself some different ways to check yourself. 0:52:07 look at what others have done not in your industry and steal any good ideas you see 0:52:07 Review your success and your failures - what went right or wrong? 0:52:08 Ask and share ideas with people outside our normal networks 0:52:20 engage with people who think differently 0:52:21 ask someone who is not involved for new ideas 0:52:51 Do an old way/new way with one or two things you can try to experiment with today 0:52:58 Try explaining why a "bad" idea might work 0:53:57 try playing games for learning without risk 0:54:52 How can you run to change? Better yet, how can you create change? 0:54:54 Tabletop roleplaying games are a great way to encourage different thinking also 0:55:23 Grab on to it and take control it - don't let it control you. 0:56:34 What's your system for measuring you? 0:57:21 I tend to track how many people come to me instead of going to others... how approachable am I, and how effective am I at resolving the question or task? 0:57:22 What do I see and hear? When your presence is desired, when people come to you for solutions and advice, you're on the right track. 0:57:37 I set professional and personal goals and measure if I met them 0:58:13 The Goldsmith answers may be different on vacation vs on a stressful Tuesday 0:58:17 could you use AI to ask you some questions and record results as a coaching business 0:58:29 You did…and I am working on those slim goals 😊 1:00:38 https://artpetty.mykajabi.com/leadership-caffeine-jam-session-19 1:00:45 uk16397 that's a fascinating idea 1:00:52 Great jam session!!! I look forward to contemplating these questions 1:01:10 Thanks Art! 1:01:25 https://artpetty.samcart.com/products/manager-dev-program/ 1:01:27 Always thoughtful & amazing information, thank you! 1:01:31 Thank you!! 1:01:38 Thanks!! 1:01:40 Thank you. 1:01:41 Thanks! Loved this session! 1:01:42 Thanks everyone. Great session. 1:01:43 Thank you! 1:01:44 thantk you! 1:01:46 Thank you Art!