0:00:38 audio is fine 0:01:11 Columbus ohio 0:01:34 yes 0:07:49 Hi Art! 0:09:19 This was the first year I've been challenged leading individuals outside a domain that I had expertise in. It made me realize what I had to know to lead people 0:09:24 Pre session message: What have you learned this year that will help us all be better leaders? 0:10:44 Helping employees tie the work they do back to the strategic goals of the organization. 0:11:01 How to not use presentation to collaborate better on projects. 0:11:12 Committing time to leading up and leading across leaders is as important as leading your direct reports. 0:11:14 Mind Mapping instead 0:11:34 The way use it is great!!! 0:11:58 Listen more than talk!!! 0:12:13 The responses above are to the question: What have you learned this year that will help us all be better leaders? 0:12:19 This is my first time managing cross cultures and time zones, making sure the message lands correctly. 0:12:37 Always learn something from your visits to the worksite from your employees 0:14:35 Similar to Andy, learning the day to day processing that my staff does 0:15:07 Yes, I do at least once a week with all my staff! 0:18:58 I think unscripted is ok IF there is a clear intent to collaborate 0:20:48 1:1 with my reports or who I report to? 0:21:02 We cannot see it yet 0:21:11 different answer :( 0:21:38 Have a new associate so daily meeting is critical to keeping her moving forward, learning, and staying on the highest priorities. 0:22:18 What makes 1on1s valuable? 0:22:20 Clarity of purpose/focus 0:22:23 Able to connect, ask what expectations are 0:22:30 I "feel" that I am being heard and understood for just friendship 0:22:34 Focused time reserved for that person/relationship 0:22:35 Helps both parties understand what is important, holding them back, build empathy 0:22:35 Learn things about what's going on in my associates life and work. 0:22:36 I learn how to best support the team membeer 0:22:41 just a catch-up point for folks I don't see day-to-day 0:22:45 catch up when work is busy and chaotic. 0:22:46 Time to reflect on progress and refocus on the priorities 0:22:47 Sometimes discover something you had no idea about - just in conversation. 0:22:49 To connect is very important 0:22:53 It's an opportunity to check-in and see how things are going and how we can help each other. 0:22:56 Organizational insight. 0:22:58 My team has always been remote and so they are important to understand where staff are in their projects; and it makes them less sensitive to being in a bigger group. 0:23:11 insight into what is otherwise invisible 0:23:12 Physical appearance is important - just to confirm that they are ok 0:23:12 I approached this from my 1:1 with my manager. I like having an idea of what he wants to know - but, not getting that in a clear answer so far. 0:23:18 Be able to communicate with detail and context, instead of just via email/text. 0:23:31 Why do you feel 1on1s aren't valuable? 0:23:38 They tend to just be status updates... 0:23:43 Lack of structure or direction 0:23:46 no feedback from my manager on how to improve or level up 0:23:47 they were inconsistent and often caancelled or rescheduled 0:23:48 Too rushed, not scheduled, putting out "fires". 0:23:54 Different goals on both sides of the conversation 0:24:07 They can be a waste of time when there is no clear takeaway or actionable items 0:24:09 My team members don't come prepared, with any asks or needs 0:25:05 This is an opportunity for most people. It is great for getting to know people, it is good for specific mentoring. It is great for introverts.