0:00:56 Sounds great 0:01:18 Art Petty: Great to have you here! 0:01:30 Good morning 0:01:41 great to be here 0:01:43 Art Petty: Soon to be afternoon! How about those Vikings! 0:01:55 Pulling it out of their ass 0:02:52 Yes Sir 0:03:12 I ate at the veteran trough at Hy-Vee this morning 0:03:29 Never been a better time to be a vet 0:03:51 Thanks for the Veterans Support Art 0:04:03 Yes I am. Army 0:04:44 Really good leadership programs in the services 0:06:22 Go Naby 0:06:26 Navy 0:08:58 Really enjoy Ken Downer's insights 0:09:35 Yes that was really good change of perspective on something affecting you 0:11:37 Marines are the infantry of the Navy 0:13:47 Difficult for visual cues 0:13:52 Judging other's engagement 0:13:53 Jennifer: What are the biggest challenges and headaches that you encounter in leading or participating on virtual teams? 0:13:56 time zone differences 0:14:09 Many different inputs (voice, video, IM) 0:14:10 staying focused 0:14:12 Multi-tasking 0:14:16 managing productivity 0:14:37 Agree -- staying focused 0:14:41 we simply context switch quickly... not multi-tasking 0:15:27 not very good remote attendance curtesy 0:15:45 Double booking myself for a webinar juggling different time zones. 0:15:46 People doing other thing 0:15:48 greater difficulty coming into an existing team (as a new team member) 0:15:49 s 0:16:03 eating, dress 0:16:18 developing relationships 0:16:41 People clearly not mentally present 0:18:25 culture 0:18:25 team diversity 0:18:26 Jennifer: In Raj's shoes. What are the big challenges here? 0:18:26 cultural differences 0:18:27 Understanding the cultural differences. 0:18:32 Time zone diference 0:18:34 time zones 0:18:51 matrix staff priorities 0:19:00 Language differences 0:19:12 building common identity 0:19:19 Building trust 0:19:39 Letting them know that you have their backs... communications & trust. 0:19:51 communication preferences 0:20:39 Jennifer: What should Raj do to form a high-performance team from this globally distributed group of experts? 0:20:39 assess strengths of each member 0:20:43 Work to create from feedback from the team on expectations and Norms for team meeting 0:20:46 layout structure to team relationships 0:20:48 meet and greets 0:20:57 set clear expectations 0:21:07 set up a team working agereement 0:21:10 Build together the way of working 0:21:18 identify resources available to group 0:21:36 Connect with them in advance of meeting- even connect them with each other before the actual meeting. 0:21:46 define the actions that can be done offline vs those that need in-real time interactions 0:22:16 Ask the question. Wnen we are and you are successful with this project, what will I have done? 0:22:21 Team charter 0:22:23 Just coffee :) 0:24:01 Have a back-up to all presentations. 0:24:07 It's always good to see the experts having trouble too :) 0:30:49 Jennifer: Any questions? 0:31:12 can you share more about how to get an Executive SPonsor? 0:33:07 Jennifer: What do the best managers or leaders do that inspires you to be your best? 0:33:26 • My favorite boss, Tim always said: "I'll tell you what I know; I'll tell you what I don’t know… I'll even tell you what I can't tell you." 0:33:37 Listened to concerns, clear expectations 0:33:53 Bring empathy to the project and are prepared to roll up their sleeves and do anything/checking OUT their ego. 0:34:03 Leads by example 0:34:12 honest feedback 0:34:16 Acknowledged hard tasks and their confidence that I would be successful 0:34:29 always keeping us focused on how we fit into the company and what our impact will be 0:34:44 Wanted to earn our respect not expect it 0:35:12 gave trust without having to earn it 0:35:28 yes! 0:37:11 Took some interest in me and my family and likes 0:37:24 Jennifer: Which one of these says you have to be co-located to do it? 0:37:31 none 0:37:34 NONE 0:41:09 Very limited 0:41:13 Jennifer: Can you have success with your team without psychological safety? 0:41:38 Not unless you have a team member who is an effective mediator. 0:41:40 yes, but it's much more painful than it has to be 0:42:12 agree 100% 0:46:19 I would like a copy of the 10 core.... 0:47:34 Jennifer: art@artpetty.com 0:47:50 Ditto, I would like a copy of the PDF(s). Thanks. 0:49:34 Jennifer: https://global.hitachi-solutions.com/blog/manage-virtual-teams/ 0:51:32 Jennifer: https://www.rapidstartleadership.com/leading-virtual-teams/ 0:51:52 Jennifer: What is working for you? 0:52:09 cameras on during meetings 0:52:25 1 to 1 meetings 0:52:50 a mix of 1:1 with team members and whole team meetings 0:52:58 Check in times 0:52:59 we play trivia games at the end of meetings that end early 0:53:05 Consistent communication and staying involved/interacting regularly. 0:53:08 Copper broadband … BAD connectivity re camera. 0:53:29 Asking about fun activities outsite of work 0:54:11 Allow team members "rotate lead" the meeting. This gives them the stage to lead and speak to their passions or what is on their mind. 0:54:24 Let them create their own personal backgrounds etc. 0:54:39 Trying to draw out quiet members during whole team discussions 0:54:42 we offer skip-level 1:1 meetings (my directs talk to my manager) 0:55:19 what are skip level meetings? 0:55:49 celebrate milestones 0:56:19 say thanks often and offer kudos 1:02:10 Jennifer: Questions? 1:02:20 Jennifer: https://artpetty.mykajabi.com/leadership-caffeine-jam-session-14 1:02:42 Jennifer: How to run Effective One-on-Ones 1:03:06 Examples of communication plans 1:03:19 Yes 1:03:49 Thank you! 1:03:53 Thanks ART!!!! 1:03:59 thank you! 1:03:59 Great session! 1:04:00 Excellent webinar. Blessings Art 1:04:01 Thanks Art!! 1:04:02 Thank you so very much! You're awesome! 1:04:03 Thanks. 1:04:03 Thank you Art 1:04:07 Thank you very much for today's session! 1:04:14 What do you do with non-performing team members or toxic culture …??? Furuturre topic? 1:04:15 Thank you - Jam session 14 was on what day> 1:04:28 Jennifer: December 9th 1:04:38 Jennifer: second Friday of each month 1:04:47 Thank you. Have a GREAT weekend both/all of you.