Leadership Caffeine™—Hard-Decisions, Soft-Touch

From small business owners to global corporate leaders—for anyone who cares about their employees, customers, and business partners, this is a time of sleepless nights and soul-crushing tough decisions. Yes, this is a time of hard decisions. It's also a time for the softest of touches.

Leadership Caffeine™: 9 Ideas for Strengthening Your Self-Esteem

While typically not a topic discussed over coffee, many leaders struggle with issues of low self-esteem. They question their abilities to cope with the problems at hand, they often doubt they are worthy of the position of leadership they occupy, and they most definitely agonize quietly over much of their professional existence. Others manifest their low self-esteem with over-the-top aggressiveness and strong controlling behaviors. Here are 9 suggestions for helping rebuild your leader's self-esteem.

By |2016-10-22T17:11:43-05:00January 31st, 2011|Leadership, Leadership Caffeine|9 Comments

The Hubris of Leaders

t takes a strong reserve of self-confidence to be an effective leader. It’s also remarkably easy to get comfortable crossing the fine but dangerous line between self-confidence and arrogance. The best leaders are conscious of that boundary and walk along it but resist the lure to cross into this self-gratifying but credibility destroying country.

By |2016-10-22T17:12:20-05:00September 18th, 2008|Leadership|4 Comments
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